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Recap of 2nd ReCharged Workshop – Video
The 2nd ReCharged Workshop, organized by Grid Engineers, marked a significant milestone as the first in-person training event of our project. [...]
ReCharged Webinar: Online, May 10th
The first ReCharged webinar will attempt to delve into the world of digital innovation and solutions that can facilitate risk management, impact assessments, and decision-making for iTESLA exposed to climate hazards.
ReCharged Workshop: Athens, May 22nd
The Workshop will take place in Athens, on May 22nd. The program features 17 distinguished speakers from industry and academia, as well as representatives of infrastructure operators.
2023 in Review – ReCharging 2024
2023 marked the first year of ReCharged.
MOOC filming in progress
Filming has commenced at the University of Birmingham (UoB) for our Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) titled "Sustainability, Resilience, and Digitalization for Critical Infrastructure."
Consortium meeting no. 4: Planning of Recharged Exchanges
A very successful consortium meeting took place online on Friday 5 May.